Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'm Not Invincible.

All it took for me to find that out was a little slip down some stairs. I was moving pretty swiftly and the stairs were wet, so I went from vertical to not in about half a second. I don't remember actually falling, but I imagine it was like in cartoons when their feet fly out from underneath them. I however, am not a cartoon, and this particular fall was extremely painful. I landed on my back right hip (if that's a real anatomical location) and actually got lightheaded, pale and almost passed out again. Wtf is wrong with me?? This was last Monday and it still hurts now, but I don't have to walk with a gangster lean anymore to relieve the pressure. I'm trying not to complain a lot, but it affects almost everything I do and really frickin hurt. I haven't been able to work out for a week straight and even though I have a good reason, I feel incredibly lazy. So much for that resolution. This was not the first time damn stairs have got me though, the last time was in my apartment, but not quite as traumatic.

Speaking of which, I recorded a video tour of my townhouse but my camera is somehow incompatible with the internet. It makes me annoyed, but I don't want to make you annoyed by ranting about being annoyed like I just did with my injury so that you get bored  and annoyed and leave. So you may never know what my place looks like. Just take my word for it that I'm not living in a box. Which reminds me I watched a documentary on Hulu called "Craigslist Joe" where said Joe travels across the country and back just on the goodwill of people through Craigslist. I had no idea it was used for so many things. I was curious, so I traveled to the site and happened upon the weird section with some inappropriate pictures. So be careful out there, guys.

I do have a roommate and she's been here for a while, since November sometime. She's really nice and has a 5 year old son who is adorable and not as much of a problem as I expected. There is a problem with her ex-fiance though. They are so on and off it's not even funny. He comes over once in a while, sometimes just whenever he feels like, and almost always causes some sort of issue. They've yelled at each other, he's made her cry, she's punched him, etc. It sounds like I'm in a mad house but it's not like this goes on every day. Just more drama than I'm used to, although it does make me appreciate what I have - or rather what I don't have. I don't have a boyfriend, no kids, no crazy baggage. And I am so so so happy for that. My main purposes are to be getting experience and making money, which leads me to my next point...

I got a second job! Although it's really not that exciting. I'm a ticket scanner at Hidden Valley Resort. So I stand before the chairlifts and scan everyone's ticket. Self-explainatory. It is pretty great when it's nice out like yesterday:

I just wish I had my own snowboard and stuff so I could take advantage of it. But I'm poor so that's not happening. After work I went out with my used-to-be neighbor, Chip, who also works at the resort and he introduced me to some people he knows. A group of frat-like boys were there and I took a ski shot with them, which goes like this:

So they were fun for a minute, and I didn't have to pay for it except in harassment. The drunkest one said I look familiar, then continued to ask if I was a stripper. Lots of people have said they know someone who looks like me, but that was a first.


It seems like so long ago already, but Christmas was great. I was home for an entire week and got super fat thanks to Mom's cooking. But I should take the blame for leaving my willpower back here in PA. Damn homemade cinnamon rolls are so freakin good I can't even help myself.

Although I was home for a while I don't feel like I did very much. I did go out once though for line dancing which was so much fun! but I don't remember as many dances as I thought. I haven't been in a loooong time. 

My family went to the museum for the "Thank You, Beer" exhibit...all about beer. I am just now realizing I took many more pictures, but I'll try to remember to put them on the next post. I also realized (again) that I like the beers that don't really taste like beer. Or the beers without alcohol. I tasted the ones they offered, but root beer was my favorite.

An incestual family of beers. Everyone's related.

I also stopped on my drive back to see one of my best friends, Dayna. 

We went to a bar, hung out and had some girl time. Some dudes from Cali sat next to us and the guy next to me lost it laughing when anything remotely funny happened. Slapped the table and everything. The one next to Dayna was a short, funny-looking guy who was also Jewish (like herself) and we found a picture he took of himself just smiling on her phone later on.

Oh and on New Year's Eve she got ENGAGED!!! Although I'm with every other single person out there getting tired with everyone getting engaged or married young (because us singletons have no significant others to look forward to marriage with), she is an exception, and I am so incredibly happy for her and Jimmy. They are really perfect together I'm super excitedly looking forward to the wedding in 2014 :)


I don't feel like this was my best effort, so I'm sorry if this was super boring and a waste of your time. But I spend so much more creating these than you do reading it. Seriously, I spend at least an hour or two on these things. It takes me forever to do anything. It's stupid. But I feel like I owe it to people who are semi-interested in my sporadically sometimes kinda interesting life to let them know what's up. I try to do interesting things just so I have something to write about. I don't exactly consider myself a naturally funny person either, so maybe I'll try harder next time.

If you came here for funny I'll lead you to this masterpiece from my favorite youtuber: